
To manifest something means: to make your dreams, goals, and aspirations a reality by believing you can achieve them. The idea is that by believing you can do something and focusing your thoughts and energy in that direction, you can actually make it happen.

Science & History
The science behind manifestation suggests that positive emotions, thoughts, and energy may help individuals attract positivity in their lives. When someone feels happy and content in their world, their positive emotions are naturally boosted.

Manifestation traces its roots to the 19th century New Thought movement. New Thought isn't grounded in any particular religious tradition but incorporates threads from Jesus's teachings, ancient Greek philosophy, and pop psychology, among other sources.

William Walker Atkinson is the person who introduced the Law of Attraction in modern times. He published his book in the year 1907 His book was well-received by the audience. He published “Thinking Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World”. This was a book that introduced us to new ways of thinking. It was a fascinating book that evoked positive thoughts among all. He used the phrase “vibration” which was not a common perspective. This work provided an extensive introduction to the principles of thinking, energy, vibration, as well as manifestation

Things To Keep In Mind
When manifesting, you are producing certain emotions and wants in your life. These emotions must arise from a position of inner serenity and power. You must reach into the inner part of yourself with clear thoughts and good intentions. Sometimes this can require a lot of effort.

Purpose And Intention
Manifest feelings and outcomes, not “things”. Only manifest with a positive vibe and flexibility. A manifestation should be in your best interest and higher self as well as to the harm of none and good of all. We are all sharing one Universe, the focus should be as a whole and not purely “me, me, and me”. If you want money, think about how you would use it. Keep in mind that a greedy vibe isn’t good energy, therefore your manifestation does not have good energy behind it. If you’d like to use it to pay off your house, take care of family, etc. then focus on that not the quantity of money. Whatever your manifestation be, it must be deliberate, have accountability and be clear.

Timing, Materials And Requirements
Manifestations can be done at anytime, there is no firm or established time that dictates when it must be done. It’s up to you, it’s your magic and no one else’s. People use vision boards, candles, rituals, journaling, visualizations, affirmations and more for manifesting. Choose what works best for you.

Custom Manifestation Sessions & Kits
During a manifesting session, I offer help to clarify the intentions for the manifestation. I may need to clear their chakras and help them achieve the state of mind when manifesting. I will help them navigate through the process by providing a space of positive energy and person adaptations. Clients will have the option to go through my apothecary and select items that they can use during the manifestation session. All items used for manifesting are always charged with Reiki, love and light. If you’re interested in having a session or a custom kit created for you, please reach out.
